ARTBAT theme colors which are also the complementary colors --- red, yellow, blue, are used in the form of paint splash. Together with different hand gestures and gradient backgrounds to richen visual interaction.

Front camera (Selfie): Three different hand gestures with slogans will appear on the photographer's cheek. Click on the screen to switch hand gestures, background colors and ink splash patterns. The selected gesture will move along with the photographer's head movement.

Back camera: Working as same as the front camera’s effects but those hand gestures are in fixed position.


Operation: Scan the ARTBAT “WE CREATE” rainbow sticker with the back camera, press and hold on the shutter button to capture a quick video which will record the special effect.


ARTBAT logo combined with rhythm (background music). It is a filter that contains double interactive elements: the visual and the audio.

Front camera (Selfie): ARTBAT logo in neon light style will appear above the photographer's head and vibrates according to the rhythmic movements of the background music played.

Back camera: Working as same as the front camera’s effects but the ARTBAT logo will appear at the bottom instead.


Operation: Scan the ARTBAT “EAT MORE ART” sticker with the back camera, press and hold on the shutter button to capture a quick video which will record the special effect.


Explosive lines and dynamic color blocks combining with the rhythm (background music) represent a diverse artistic perception.

Operation: Scan the ARTBAT LOGO sticker with the back camera, press and hold on the shutter button to capture a quick video which will record the special effect.